You Better Think Twice

The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is open!
(Budist teaching)

History is always written by the victors !!!
(H. Göring)

The more you investigate, the more you discover that we have been lied to by every institution on this planet. What makes you think that the religions are the one exception? They are at the bottom of all the evil and filth that goes on throughout this world. !!!

(Jordan Maxwell)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A City in a City (Stuffed with Symbols)

(to choose from hours of M.Tsarion lectures, just click the title)

Did you people see the new advertisment about the 'Real Story of the City of Londen?
Don't forget, the 'City of Londen' is not the same as 'Londen City'.
It is packed with Masonic Symbolism, the TV clip starts with the Dragon you see below, flying of its statue, spitting fire as it flies throug the city of Londen, and at the end returning to the statue it started from.

The statue at the entrance of the City of Londen

The Arms of the City of Londen

By the way I found many hours of Michael Tsarion lectures on the web.

Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation - part 1

Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation - part 2

Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation - part 3

I advice everybody to watch and DOWNLOAD these lectures because there is a great chance they will disapear soon 'cause of royalties and stuff.

To obtain more Tsarion lectures just click the title.

By the way I updated the videolinks (on the right side in blue) from MTSAR All three lectures '2012 Where History Ends' are available again. Watch and Download them quickly before they are gone...!!! And if you have any comments, please leave a comment or drop me a line at

Next time I hope to give you more direct links to MTSAR - lectures

See You the next time

R .'. W .'.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Esoteric Tales (Lord of the Rings-audio)

(To enter Lord of the Rings-Audio, just click the title)

The Dutch Perspective, A place for second thoughts.

All through the years I've been listening to audio stories. like the stories from LIBRIVOX and stories from the Old Time Radio network: OTR.NET . there are great stories from 'Escape', 'Suspence' and 'The Inner Sanctum'.

You look them up for yourself if you like stories.
If you people do, let me know, and i'll give more links.
Few tales give such a view of the battle between the forces of good and evil.
And what is good , and what is evil?

Even the evil have some good in them (like Gollem), and the good have some bad in them (like Frodo).

These stories have more to do with reality than the news they show us on the T.V.
Did you ever took the trouble to find out who own the Federal Reserve?
Why are the so called Royalty so obsessed with the symbol of the dragon?
Even the Dutch queen has a castle called 'Drakenstein' (Dragon-stone) and here boat is called 'De Groene Draak' (The Green Dragon).
And they tell us that is doesn't mean anything!!!
How stupid do they think we are ? ? ?
Roland Wieffering
R .'. W .'.