You Better Think Twice

The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is open!
(Budist teaching)

History is always written by the victors !!!
(H. Göring)

The more you investigate, the more you discover that we have been lied to by every institution on this planet. What makes you think that the religions are the one exception? They are at the bottom of all the evil and filth that goes on throughout this world. !!!

(Jordan Maxwell)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

JFK - An American Coup

(to watch the video click the title)

When I was about 6 years old I saw president Kennedy's head being blown off, on the just new invented media called television.
(I mean the first we saw was the funeral. And some years later, we Dutch saw the Zapruder film. I was born in 1957, and first seeing the funeral and later the Zapruder film made quite an Impression in those days.)

After that I saw the so called suspect being shot by some so called 'bystander' called Jack Ruby.

But the forensic evidence tells another story, the forensic evidence tells that the fatal shot came from somewhere left front from where Kennedy was sitting.

Observe on his right forehead the 'V' cut where the entrance wound from a small bullet (.22) was visible.

Only a small explosion from a special developed bullit, could have blown up a skull so completely.
And who were the people who arranged and covered up the take-over of the American government by the militairy-industrial-petro-chemical secret service. Yes, it is a very complicated construction, and it is mend to be so. To make it hard for you to understand what it means!!! To see what is going on behind the screens

Kennedy had promissed to 'shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces', and he was going to issue new money.
Money, free from the control of the Federal Reserve private banking families.
Never forget that a small group of people rule the world, and the above is how they do it!!
By brutal force, it was a COUP D'ETAT.
To see the JFK - CIA link watch the following:
They want you to think:
"If they can kill the president they can kill anybody".


  1. thats scary mommy

  2. i dont believe you. i think what your saying is a load of crap. any gun shot from a far distance has a larger entrance wound because the entrance is immediate. the exit wound, which wouldve been around .22 cen in diameter would fit as a better explaination because it had to go throught bone and tissue matter to exit his head.
    plus you were 6! and that was 40 yrs ago. your mind could be seeing something to fit around your own narrow minded opinions.

  3. Wow, its amazing how so many people can be so heartless, he had family just like the rest of us. I don't think he ever trully meant any evil with the things he did while in office. Its to bad he had to die such a terrible death.

  4. if you think that the assassin used a special "exploding bullet" to kill JFK then why didnt the first shot that hit JFK blow up? He got shot through the neck before his head got blown up and the shot that went through his neck was clean and went straight through him

  5. Anonymous5:07 PM GMT+2

    Exit wounds are usually bigger than entrance wounds. You guys dont know anything about guns so you should keep your mouths shut and there are such things as exploding bullets, they are called billistic tip rounds. Idiots.

  6. i don't believe a .22 shot from 100+ feet away could cause such devastating effects. even at close range, that small caliber has trouble tearing up a skull.

  7. Anonymous5:12 PM GMT+2

    can anyone that watched this vidieo watch jackie kennedy movements at all times. I see a object in her right hand and then the object is placed behind jfk after that she pushes jfk back and tried to exit the limo? also was there gunsmoke by his head or was it blood splatter watch which way it goes? anyone with good eyes please comment or has the equipment to zoom in on jackie hand would be of help

  8. Anonymous2:19 PM GMT+2

    listen he got sauced!

  9. Anonymous9:46 PM GMT+2

    Haven't you tards ever heard of a 22-250? Its a .22 bullet with a nearly .308 sized casing. Fantastic deer rifle. Great trajectory, extremely accurate, tons of power. Could've easily made this wound. No need for a "special" bullet. The reason it went straight through his neck was because it's soft tissue. The bone in his skull tried to stop it, all the energy had to be released somehow. This is the result of that massive amount of energy being quickly exsorbed.

  10. I am doing a report on jfk, i never really knew until now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Anonymous4:46 PM GMT+1

    JFK could have easily killed by a exploding round its called a ballistic tip. but if that was used his whole head would have exploded. looking at the picture of his head it looks as though it was not a ballistic round but more of a large caliber- maybe a 22-250 - was more likely used. because only the back of his head is blown outward.

  12. Anonymous4:42 AM GMT+2

    Everyone Read the book "beyond The fence line great JFK Assassination book....And there are a lot of theories, dont argue...the goverment and possibly the mafia was apart of this tragedy....There wasnt one alone shooter.. YOU GUYS HAVE NOOOOO IDEA ABOUT HOW MUCH B.S AND LIES ARE BEHIND ALL OF THIS..From one of the dallas police officers leaving his radio mic on to smoke coming from the grassy knoll. the shot struck kennedy at 11:17:13am shot 3 times. the back the neck then the head...the presidents seat was 3in raised above jackie and gov. c. coincedence i think not...Everyone has there opinoin RIP KENNEDY

  13. Anonymous2:21 AM GMT+2

    "When I was about 6 years old I saw president Kennedy's head being blown of, on the just new invented media called television....skip to main | skip to sidebar The Dutch Perspective
    This blog is meant to be an eye-opener. It's supposed to make you look upon the world in a different way. A way where you use your own eyes, and your own thoughts. Not the stuff you've been tought to think and see. Don't be mislead by your leaders, they are misleaders. Don't be mislead by your religion, it's only there to keep you appart from your brothers.

    You Better Think Twice

    The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is open!
    (Budist teaching)

    History is always written by the victors !!!
    (H. Göring)

    The more you investigate, the more you discover that we have been lied to by every institusion on this planet. What makes you think that the religions are the one exception? They are at the bottom of all the evil and filth that goes on throughout this world. !!!
    (Jordan Maxwell)

    Tuesday, April 29, 2008
    JFK - An American Coup

    (to watch the video click the title)

    When I was about 6 years old I saw president Kennedy's head being blown of, on the just new invented media called television.....After that I saw the so called suspect being shot by some so called 'bystander' called Jack Ruby"

    You could not have seen the Zapruder film on TV then.

  14. You are right.
    I could not have seen the zapruder film on TV then. But that doesn't change the fact I never heard a good scenario, explaining the questions raised during the investigations.
    It is just like 9/11.
    There are so many questions never explained by the government. For instance the explosions just before the buildings collapsed.
    What ever names you call me, I think we are being lied to, Big Time!!!
    We are being lied to, and lied to, and lied to, untill we don't know any better.
    Anyway, thanks for all the reactions.
    from The Dutch Perspective

  15. I really can't believe there are pictures of dead Kennedy. Crazy how I came across your blog, nevertheless you've got some really interesting topics.

  16. Hello,
    Well,Thank you, Diane Marie.
    Have you never seen these pictures before?
    I can imagine they didn't show it in America.
    Thanks for your reaction.

  17. It was sad time in American history, and that should have outraged the nation to the point where jfk bill should have been passed instead of being revoked . Americans are their own worse enemy and scapegoat it on the rest of the globe.

  18. hello Bashie,
    I just took a look at one of your blogs. And though I think I am a bit older than you (I'm 53) you seem to have the same way of critically looking at the world around you as I have.
    I think Kennedy was killed 'cause of bill 11110, in combination with his plans to stop the war in Vietnam.
    I saw you have a blog "why I hate Israel". I understand you are a muslim and I very well understand why you hate Israel
    There is a documentary "Understanding Anti Semitism"
    You can find it second from the bottom in "Links to must see videos".
    And did you ever heard of "Jews Against Zionism"?
    Thanks for your comment and drop me a line if you want to

  19. You spelled off wrong. its O F F not O F.

  20. Anonymous5:27 AM GMT+2

    I would believe you more if you spelled correctly. Bullet is spelled with an e, not an i.

  21. I was five years old in 1963. We did NOT see Kennedy "get his head blown off." Obviously, if there had been television cameras there, that footage would be very well known.

    I REALLY doubt that you were even born when it all went down...

  22. Everybody thanks for correcting my mistakes in spelling. As You can see, I corrected them.
    All comments are welcome, even the critics.
    Hope ye'all return one day to TDP.
