You Better Think Twice

The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is open!
(Budist teaching)

History is always written by the victors !!!
(H. Göring)

The more you investigate, the more you discover that we have been lied to by every institution on this planet. What makes you think that the religions are the one exception? They are at the bottom of all the evil and filth that goes on throughout this world. !!!

(Jordan Maxwell)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Final Wake Up Call

(to watch video just click title)

The Dutch Queen Beatrix at a Bilderberg meeting!!!

Why is there no political party in the Netherlands who ask "Hey J.P. Balkenende what did you do at the Bilderberger meeting, did you represented the Dutch Nation over there?"
"Why were the Dutch people not informed about this meeting?"
"Aren't we supposed to live in a Democratic Monarchy?"


“Chantilly, Virginia, USA”5-8 June 2008


Honorary Chairman
BEL “Davignon, Etienne” “Vice Chairman, Suez-Tractebel”

DEU “Ackermann, Josef” “Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG”
CAN “Adams, John” Associate Deputy Minister of National Defence and Chief of the Communications Security Establishment Canada
USA “Ajami, Fouad” “Director, Middle East Studies Program, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University”
USA “Alexander, Keith B.” “Director, National Security Agency”
INT “Almunia, Joaquín ” “Commissioner, European Commission”
GRC “Alogoskoufis, George” Minister of Economy and Finance
USA “Altman, Roger C.” “Chairman, Evercore Partners Inc.”
TUR “Babacan, Ali ” Minister of Foreign Affairs
NLD “Balkenende, Jan Peter” Prime Minister
PRT “Balsemão, Francisco Pinto” “Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister”
FRA “Baverez, Nicolas” “Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP”
ITA “Bernabè, Franco” “CEO, Telecom Italia Spa”
USA “Bernanke, Ben S.” “Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System”
SWE “Bildt, Carl” Minister of Foreign Affairs
FIN “Blåfield, Antti ” “Senior Editorial Writer, Helsingin Sanomat”
DNK “Bosse, Stine” “CEO, TrygVesta”
CAN “Brodie, Ian ” “Chief of Staff, Prime Minister’s Office”
AUT “Bronner, Oscar” “Publisher and Editor, Der Standard”
FRA “Castries, Henri de ” “Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA”
ESP “Cebrián, Juan Luis” “CEO, PRISA”
CAN “Clark, Edmund” “President and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group”
GBR “Clarke, Kenneth” Member of Parliament
NOR “Clemet, Kristin” “Managing Director, Civita”
USA “Collins, Timothy C.” “Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC”
FRA “Collomb, Bertrand” “Honorary Chairman, Lafarge”
PRT “Costa, António” Mayor of Lisbon
USA “Crocker, Chester A.” James R. Schlesinger Professor of Strategic Studies
USA “Daschle, Thomas A.” Former US Senator and Senate Majority Leader
CAN “Desmarais, Jr., Paul ” “Chairman and co-CEO, Power Corporation of Canada”
GRC “Diamantopoulou, Anna” Member of Parliament
USA “Donilon, Thomas E.” “Partner, O’Melveny & Myers”
ITA “Draghi, Mario” “Governor, Banca d’Italia”
AUT “Ederer, Brigitte” “CEO, Siemens AG Österreich”
CAN “Edwards, N. Murray ” “Vice Chairman, Candian Natural Resources Limited”
DNK “Eldrup, Anders ” “President, DONG A/S”
ITA “Elkann, John” “Vice Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.”
USA “Farah, Martha J.” “Director, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience; Walter H. Annenberg Professor in the Natural Sciences, University of Pennsylvania”
USA “Feldstein, Martin S.” “President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research”
DEU “Fischer, Joschka” Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
USA “Ford, Jr., Harold E.” “Vice Chairman, Merill Lynch & Co., Inc.”
CHE “Forstmoser, Peter” “Professor for Civil, Corporation and Capital Markets Law, University of Zürich”
IRL “Gallagher, Paul ” Attorney General
USA “Geithner, Timothy F. ” “President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York”
USA “Gigot, Paul ” “Editorial Page Editor, The Wall Street Journal”
IRL “Gleeson, Dermot ” “Chairman, AIB Group”NLD “Goddijn, Harold” “CEO, TomTom”
TUR “Gögüs, Zeynep ” “Journalist; Founder,”
USA “Graham, Donald E.” “Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company”
NLD “Halberstadt, Victor” “Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings”
USA “Holbrooke, Richard C. ” “Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC”
FIN “Honkapohja, Seppo” “Member of the Board, Bank of Finland”
INT “Hoop Scheffer, Jaap G. de” “Secretary General, NATO”
USA “Hubbard, Allan B.” “Chairman, E & A Industries, Inc.”
BEL “Huyghebaert, Jan” “Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group”
DEU “Ischinger, Wolfgang” Former Ambassador to the UK and US
USA “Jacobs, Kenneth” “Deputy Chairman, Head of Lazard U.S., Lazard Frères & Co. LLC”
USA “Johnson, James A.” “Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC” (Obama’s man tasked with selecting his running mate)
SWE “Johnstone, Tom ” “President and CEO, AB SKF”
USA “Jordan, Jr., Vernon E.” “Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC”
FRA “Jouyet, Jean-Pierre ” Minister of European Affairs
GBR “Kerr, John ” “Member, House of Lords; Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc.”
USA “Kissinger, Henry A.” “Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.”
DEU “Klaeden, Eckart von” “Foreign Policy Spokesman, CDU/CSU”
USA “Kleinfeld, Klaus” “President and COO, Alcoa”
TUR “Koç, Mustafa ” “Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.”
FRA “Kodmani, Bassma” “Director, Arab Reform Initiative”
USA “Kravis, Henry R.” “Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.”
USA “Kravis, Marie-Josée” “Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.”
INT “Kroes, Neelie ” “Commissioner, European Commission”
POL “Kwasniewski, Aleksander ” Former President
AUT “Leitner, Wolfgang” “CEO, Andritz AG”
ESP “León Gross, Bernardino” “Secretary General, Office of the Prime Minister”
INT “Mandelson, Peter” “Commissioner, European Commission”
FRA “Margerie, Christophe de” “CEO, Total”
CAN “Martin, Roger” “Dean, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto”
HUN “Martonyi, János” “Professor of International Trade Law; Partner, Baker & McKenzie; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs”
USA “Mathews, Jessica T. ” “President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace”
INT “McCreevy, Charlie ” “Commissioner, European Commission”
USA “McDonough, William J.” “Vice Chairman and Special Advisor to the Chairman, Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.” CAN “McKenna, Frank” “Deputy Chair, TD Bank Financial Group”
GBR “McKillop, Tom ” “Chairman, The Royal Bank of Scotland Group”
FRA “Montbrial, Thierry de” “President, French Institute for International Relations”
ITA “Monti, Mario” “President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi”
USA “Mundie, Craig J. ” “Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation”
NOR “Myklebust, Egil” “Former Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA”
DEU “Nass, Matthias” “Deputy Editor, Die Zeit”
NLD “Netherlands, H.M. the Queen of the”
FRA “Ockrent, Christine” “CEO, French television and radio world service”
FIN “Ollila, Jorma” “Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc”
SWE “Olofsson, Maud ” Minister of Enterprise and Energy; Deputy Prime Minister
NLD “Orange, H.R.H. the Prince of”
GBR “Osborne, George” Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer
TUR “Öztrak, Faik” Member of Parliament
ITA “Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso ” Former Minister of Finance; President of Notre Europe
GRC “Papahelas, Alexis” “Journalist, Kathimerini”
GRC “Papalexopoulos, Dimitris” “CEO, Titan Cement Co. S.A.”
USA “Paulson, Jr., Henry M.” Secretary of the Treasury
USA “Pearl, Frank H.” “Chairman and CEO, Perseus, LLC”
USA “Perle, Richard N.” “Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research”
FRA “Pérol, François” Deputy General Secretary in charge of Economic Affairs
DEU “Perthes, Volker” “Director, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik”
BEL “Philippe, H.R.H. Prince”
CAN “Prichard, J. Robert S.” “President and CEO, Torstar Corporation”
CAN “Reisman, Heather M.” “Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.”
USA “Rice, Condoleezza” Secretary of StatePRT “Rio, Rui ” Mayor of Porto
USA “Rockefeller, David ” “Former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank”
ESP “Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias” “Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander”
USA “Rose, Charlie” “Producer, Rose Communications”
DNK “Rose, Flemming” “Editor, Jyllands Posten”
USA “Ross, Dennis B.” “Counselor and Ziegler Distinguished Fellow, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy”
USA “Rubin, Barnett R.” “Director of Studies and Senior Fellow, Center for International Cooperation, New York University”
TUR “Sahenk, Ferit ” “Chairman, Dogus Holding A.S.”
USA “Sanford, Mark” Governor of South Carolina
USA “Schmidt, Eric” “Chairman of the Executive Committee and CEO, Google”
AUT “Scholten, Rudolf ” “Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG”
DNK “Schur, Fritz H. ” Fritz Schur Gruppen
CZE “Schwarzenberg, Karel ” Minister of Foreign Affairs
USA “Sebelius, Kathleen” Governor of Kansas
USA “Shultz, George P.” “Thomas W. and Susan B. Ford Distinguished Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University”
ESP “Spain, H.M. the Queen of”
CHE “Spillmann, Markus” “Editor-in-Chief and Head Managing Board, Neue Zürcher Zeitung AG”
USA “Summers, Lawrence H.” “Charles W. Eliot Professor, Harvard University”
GBR “Taylor, J. Martin” “Chairman, Syngenta International AG”
USA “Thiel, Peter A.” “President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC”
NLD “Timmermans, Frans ” Minister of European Affairs
RUS “Trenin, Dmitri V.” “Deputy Director and Senior Associate, Carnegie Moscow Center”
INT “Trichet, Jean-Claude” “President, European Central Bank”
USA “Vakil, Sanam” “Assistant Professor of Middle East Studies, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University”
FRA “Valls, Manuel ” Member of ParliamentGRC “Varvitsiotis, Thomas” “Co-Founder and President, V + O Communication”
CHE “Vasella, Daniel L.” “Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG”
FIN “Väyrynen, Raimo” “Director, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs”
FRA “Védrine, Hubert” Hubert Védrine Conseil
NOR “Vollebaek, Knut” “High Commissioner on National Minorities, OSCE”
SWE “Wallenberg, Jacob” “Chairman, Investor AB”
USA “Weber, J. Vin” “CEO, Clark & Weinstock”
USA “Wolfensohn, James D. ” “Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC”
USA “Wolfowitz, Paul ” “Visiting Scholar, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research”
INT “Zoellick, Robert B. ” “President, The World Bank Group”

GBR “Bredow, Vendeline von” “Business Correspondent, The Economist”
GBR “Wooldridge, Adrian D.” “Foreign Correspondent, The Economist”

AUT Austria
HUN Hungary
BEL Belgium
INT International
CHE Switzerland
IRL Ireland
CAN Canada
ITA Italy
CZE Czech Republic
NOR Norway
DEU Germany
NLD Netherlands
DNK Denmark
PRT Portugal
ESP Spain
POL Poland
FRA France
RUS Russia
FIN Finland
SWE Sweden
GBR Great Britain
TUR Turkey
GRC Greece
USA United States of America

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Something Else

I love old horror movies, specialy the "Hammer Studios" movies like these here below.
To watch the videos just click the title or the picture.
And lots of fun with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee

The House Of Horrors.

Satanic Rites of Dracula.

Horror Express.

Hound of the Baskervilles.

The Curse of Frankenstein.

The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How The American Dream Became The Nightmare Of The World

(to watch Wake Up America click title)

The Capitalist Conspiracy.

(to watch click picture)
The country America came about when the people living there rebelled against the corrupt money system dictated by the King of England.

Ever since, the people behind the bank of England and the British Crown and the Empire, have been conspiring to take away the independence of the people of America, and trying to take away the earned prosperity of the individuals all over the world!

Eisenhouwer tried to warn the people, Kennedy tried to make the people aware of the cospiracy that was, and is, going on. He wanted the help of the press, but he was betrayed by network of military-intelligence-industrial and banking interests.

This group of people, let's call them Globalists, are executing a plan to bring the whole world under a World Government.

A world where countries only exist in name.

A world with one financial system, and that system in the hands of the same people who own The Federal Reserve, The Bank of England and The European Bank.

Those ruling classes don't care about the people of this world.

They only care about staying in their monopoly position, and controling the whole goddamn world.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Naked Truth with Jordan Maxwell

There Is Someting Wrong With Religion.

Religion is something out of the Dark Middle Ages, in those days the Church was the controling power.
Now, anno 2009, you don't have to believe, nowadays you can KNOW.

We know their ain't a invisible man in the sky, who watches every move you make.
And who has a list of things he doesn't want you to do.
And if you do any of those things, this invisible man, called God, has a special place for you, where you will be punished, burned, tortured and suffer untill the end of time.......
But he loves you.....

When do the people understand religion is another word for Brainwash!!!
And the brainwash is being used to make people fight eachother.

And who are the people behind the religions???

Right, the same people who are behind your banks, government and big industry

Some time ago I gave the video link to "The Money Masters" (to watch just click).

I find it therefore very strange how Obama thinks to solve the money crisis by printing almost unlimited supplies of dollars.

The American Dream at the moment will be a president who has the guts to say " We Start Printing Our Own Money." The last president who tried to do just that, was John F. Kennedy.

And we all know what happend to him!!!

For the people in The Netherlands I found one with dutch subtitles DE PHARMACRATISCHE INQUISITIE

You see, it all fits together. The War on Drugs, or The Pharmacratic Inquisition, is there because drugs are the key to religious experiences.
And only the church has the monopoly on religious experiences.

Monday, May 11, 2009

2012 and Nostradamus

(to watch video just click the title)

This video can be watched in combination with "The Lost Book of Nostradamus".

They go into the different scenarios, possibly refered to in the book, possibly drawn by Nostradamus.
It could be this or it could be that, or it could be nothing at all!

Only time will tell.....

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Ancient Civilization and the Golden Age

( to watch part one click on the title)

If you want to learn about the real history of the earth, instead of the scientific - christian propaganda we have had in school, you should watch Edmund Marriage.

It is a lecture he gave in 2007.

And a word to the followers of my blog: THANKS

Friday, May 08, 2009

H.P. Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos

The writer who left the most profound impression on me was H.P. Lovecraft with his weird stories.
If you click on the title you'll enter SFF Audio on their HPL page, where the stories are being read to you.
But here is the link to the best performance of The Call of Cthulhu. It's in two parts. Enjoy it!

Understanding Anti Semitism

(to watch video just click the title or image below)

Did you know that most of the people we call Jews (90%) have nothing to do with the people who once lived in Palestine?

They are what they call Khazar Jews, people who in the 7th century converted to the jewish religion.
Khazaria was situated in what we now call Georgië, the area east of the Black Sea.
So why do jews from khazaria claim the land of the Palestines?,now called Israel?

Now, what is semitism? Semitism is favouritism for semites or jews.
Look it up in the Encyclopedia, you'll see I'm right.

So, Anti Semitism is being AGAINST the favouritism of jews or semites.

Did you know that every time you buy food products, you are paying tax for your food being kosher!!!

Below you can see some of the symbols they use to show the food is kosher.
98 % of the people (wich are not jewish) pay the tax for the one or two percent of the people who are jewish.
People have to realize that the jews own ALL of the mass media, newspapers, tv stations, networks, and so on, and so on.

If you don't believe me, maybe you believe Winston Churchill.

Winston Churchill, Freemason, looking back at the Russian Revolution just a few years earlier, mentioned Adam Weishaupt his name in the Sunday Illustrated Herald, London, February 8, 1920:

“From the days of Spartacus Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx (Moses Mordecai Levy) and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kuhn (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing.”

Thursday, May 07, 2009


(to watch the video just click the title)

It is time to let the truth sink in!
The government doesn't want you to to be a critical observer!
They want you to be a dumbed down consumer.

Like I said, I hate the Illuminati control of the internet.

Most of the links I gave in the beginning of this blog, have been taken of the net.

Not by the persons who put them there, but by the Google Control Masters, wich are the same people talked about in this video.

If only the people in the government would take the time to watch a film like this one, they can not longer deny th wrong that is been done to the people and the earth.

The Magick Of Solomon.

(to watch video just click the title)

WARNING: The following video shows ways to conjure up spirits and angels or demons.

Do NOT take this lightly, do NOT try this whitout any practice or experience.

But for those who are initiated into the secrets of the occult it will be very enlightning.

Watch it if you dare......

Alchemy: Sacred Secrets Revealed

(to watch video just click the title)

Very few people understand what ALCHEMY is realy about.
We are told that Alchemy is about mislead people who tried to make gold out of base metals.

Nor are we told that famous people as Isaac Newton spend their whole life trying to discover the secrets of Alchemy.

At school we learn Astrology is bullshit, a dellusion, superstition, because people didn't understand the workings of the universe.
The same with Alchemy, it is all based on the superstition of making gold out of base metals.
But if you look a bit deeper, you will discover that yhe Alchemists were the first scientists, trying to get free from the superstition called christianity!!!

So, please watch the documentary, and a little tip of the veil will be lifted.
Best of luck to you all.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

nr. 66 Murdered By The Monarchs or Illuminati vol. III

(to watch video just click the title)

This film by Chris Everard is part three in the ILLUMINATI series.
It deals with the bloody history of the European Royal Bloodlines.
Saxe Coburgh Gotha, Battenberg, Höhenzollern, Castle Hess, Nassau, Orange, Romanoff, and so on, and so on!!!
So, please watch Illuminati vol. III
Murdered By The Monarchy

And if you think the English Crown has nothing to do with Symbolism and Ritual Magic, I advice you to watch this excerpt from Michael Tsarions "Irish Origins of Civilization" called
The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II

Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology

(to watch part 1 just click the title)

One of the people I love to watch or listen to is Michael Tsarion.
Many times I tried to give links to his lectures.

But very often the links are removed in relation to copywrite laws
I will try whenever I see his lectures on the internet to give the links.

Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology part2 (has been removed)

I hate the big brother controle of the internet.
So, as a bonus I'll give the link to one of the newest of MTSAR's lectures:

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Alien Spaceship on the Moon

To watch the videoclip just click on the title or on the picture above.

Alien spaceship on the moon? I'm still not sure if it is a hoax or not.

We have been lied to over and over again, Especialy stuff concerning alien lifeforms, evidence of structures on the Moon as well on Mars. So I wouldn't be supriced if their was a alien spaceship on the moon.

Proof Of Illuminati In The KGB and CIA

(to watch video just click the title)

I love these AMBIGRAMS as used by Dan Brown in the story 'Angels and Demons'.

The one below I like the best, because the four elements are brought together in a square.
You can turn it upside down and it reads just the same, Earth, Air Fire, and Water.

The Hidden History of the World by Al Fry

(to watch video just click the title)

There are two kinds of History.
The history we learn at school, and the history of the manipulation of the truth!
Every child learns at school that John F. Kennedy was murdered by Lee Harvey Oswald.
But is that history?
Every one with two braincells KNOWS Kennedy was murdered in a crossfire of bullits.
So, we must teach our children to look carefully at the things they are taught.

Friday, May 01, 2009

The Obama Deception: Yes We Can But No We Won't

(to watch video just click the title)

The American people have been deceived.

They thought by voting for Obama the things would change.

Wasn't that the great slogan they had?
CHANGE, Yes We Can!


Now, do I not always agree with Alex Jones.
But you got to give the guy credit for sneaking into the Bohemian Club at the Bohemian Grove, where he filmed the creepy "Cremation of Care" ritual.

As long as the Federal Reserve prints the money for America, nothing will change.

Barack Obama is just the next puppet in the hands of ...........?

How can we call them? the Illuminati? the Money Masters? the Jesuits? the Freemasons? the Royal Families? the Jews? the Jacobites? the Fabians?

It's none of these and all of these above.

That's wat is so clever in this conspiracy, all the different groups, all the different organisations, and everything and everybody on a 'need to know' basis.

Most people don't realize they are working for a 'One World Government', or at least work for institutes or people who are trying to implement a one world government.

What would it take for the people to wake up?
A Third World War? Would that wake them up to the manipulation?

people behind Barack H. Obama.

The symbol of the owl around the whitehouse